People reading...'s not as rare as it feels sometimes. Here is a photographer's journey across the globe taking pictures of people reading...
Drinkable Book
Using a drinkable book to educate about water-born diseases is a great idea--- but what could be done with it in fiction? Wish we could...
New Throwback Title!
We have just signed contracts with Janet McCann for her poetry collection Widowing. Available in late November, this book highlights the...
Throwback Book bag instead of a Throwback Book?
It is a beautiful bag, isn't it? Is it something you would like us to offer as merchandise on our site? We are torn between using our...
It's nice to feel needed.
Why American Publishing Needs Indie Publishers "As books from major publishers get bigger and more expensive, smaller houses are taking...
Book Giveaway!
Enter to win one of two free copies of HEAVY METAL FAIRY TALES through Goodreads!
Why turn a page...?
...when you can read it all in one long strip? Have you heard of the short-story vending machine? This New Yorker article shows the...
Could typing change the way you use words?
After a BBC article displayed the frustrations of the AZERTY keyboard in France, we were left to think about the ways some words could be...