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Daniel M. Shapiro

Available from Throwback Books
Daniel M. Shapiro is the author of How the Potato Chip Was Invented (sunnyoutside press, 2013), a collection of celebrity-centered poems. His work has appeared in Word RiotRHINOMenacing HedgeForklift, Ohio, and elsewhere. He is a poetry editor of Pittsburgh Poetry Review and interviews poets for his website, Little Myths.
About the Author

Heavy Metal Fairy Tales


Heavy Metal Fairy Tales is the author's wish to write a series of heavy metal poems and another series of fairy tales. When neither came together, Shapiro combined them and loosely chronicled heavy metal from its early days to its apparent decline in the grunge era. Bound in an aluminum cover, this collection of fables stands alone as a brilliantly entertaining journey!  The cover is an etched aluminum and this 6"x 6" book was typed on the heaviest metal typer in our collection: IBM Selectric II with a 12pt Prestige Elite 72 font ball.

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